Thursday, June 21, 2012

Obama Takes Another Step in Dismantling the Free Market, Prolly Hates Baby Jesus

Interesting to see how this plays among right-wingers.
12.8 million Americans will receive $1.1 billion in rebates from insurers that have not met minimum spending guidelines in Obamacare, the administration announced Thursday morning. The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of premium dollars on health care services or issue rebates to policy holders. The average rebate is valued at $151 per household. 
After all, it's not the big-spending gub'ment using your money to cut checks to  black people  the undeserving, it's private insurers forking out some shekels. As in, I'm pretty sure there will be howls of outrage re: Barry stepping on the necks of insurance companies, therein disallowing them from nobly creating more jobs. Destroying freedom, as you might say. So.

They sure did like it when Dubya passed out those $300 checks though. Nom nom nom!

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