Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Sopranos

90% of the people who watched it liked the show cause of the shit that happened; not for those long 5-episode stretches where nothing happened so they can conjure up hidden meanings in everything/applaud the irony of nothing happening. It’s like the song by Todd Snider about the band that got huge for refusing to play songs they hadn’t written. The fact is we stare at tv to be entertained - any thoughts of it being anything more in lieu of merely entertaining are silly. It’s only a tv show. If I need the television to give my brain a workout on the nothingness of the spheres, maybe I’m an idiot. Or, worse, a Baptist. - XMASTIME
Dude HERE revisiting the finale of The Sopranos.
Such a move would've been beneath Chase. His likable but evil protagonist is forever stuck in purgatory between life and death; that's how this Sopranos fan likes to think of it, anyway. Any explanation of "Made in America," no matter how smart or well-reasoned, misses the point. To explain it would diminish it.

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