Friday, June 22, 2012

Oh, for Fuck's Sake

The bus monitor woman is about to pass $500,000 in collecting $crillah for kids being assholes to her for a coupla minutes:
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but at a certain point, should charitable people around the world take a deep breath and consider kicking that $20 to someone else in need? Being a bullied bus monitor sucks, but so does being homeless, or caught in sex trafficking, or being Buddhist in Tibet.
When she passes $1 million, I will officially start rooting for the kids.

1 comment:

Marley said...

We give to what touches us and is unique. Whales in ice? That's new. Old bus monitor getting told she's so lardy a knife would go thru her like butter, and from kids? Also new. Starving Africans and kidney transplants. Not so much. Don't be a hater because she's a trailblazer.