Friday, June 22, 2012

They Blew Up the Chicken Man in Philly Last Night

My parents being from Massachusetts meant that I inherited the complete pussy gene when it comes to the heat; even as a young buck I was a pansy about it.  So while logic would dictate that the greatest day in family history from the 80's be the day we added illWill to the lineup, I hafta admit I was just as thrilled the day I came home from school and the central air conditioning had been installed.  May 12, 1987: Never Forget. -  XMASTIME
I remember visiting Brothatime!! in college one sweltering July weekend, and the guys in his house were having a contest to see who could go the longest into the summer before turning their air conditioners on. This was a contest I would have no desire to win - about a minute after Valentine's Day I'd set my own unit (heh heh heh) to " level of interest girls have in me the iceberg that sank the Titanic, but colder."

ANYhoo, here's some arguments for and against air conditioning, with some shit about The Fonz.  Aaaaaaaayyyyyyy!

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