Thursday, June 28, 2012

Seinfeld Alert

1) I don’t understand "mutually exclusive" or "your lips to God's ears." When people say these things, I nod my head but have no idea what they actually mean. Makes no sense to me. "Mutually exclusive" just sounds contradictory, like they cancel each other out. And if I tell you something and you say "hey, from your lips to God's ears" does that mean you're saying you're God? Seems a little arrogant, no? - XMASTIME
According to Louis C.K., Jerry Seinfeld will guest-star in his show this upcoming season:
1. Jerry Seinfeld makes a guest appearance during the connected last three episodes of the season. Unlike much of Louie, the three will involve one long storyline, and C.K. said that Seinfeld's acting was both phenomenal and something that fans wouldn't normally expect.
Based on Seinfeld's "acting chops", I do not think those things to be mutually exclusive, fuck you very much.

I have no idea if I used "mutually exclusive" correctly, is to say, Seinfeld's acting being phenomenal is EXACTLY what fans wouldn't normally expect. So. You know. Cough.

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