Friday, June 22, 2012

Weak Candidate 101

This dude HERE wonders how lucky Obama is re: the GOP running such a weak candidate in Romney:
But there’s no getting around it: a huge part of it must have to do with his lackluster opposition. Ask yourself: if the other side had settled on a truly generic Republican—that is, a moderately conservative fellow, a senator or governor or former governor who came without the trappings of Bain Capital and car elevators and dressage tax deductions and Romneycare and the serial flip-flopping and “America the Beautiful,” how would that candidate be faring right now? I say, purely on gut instinct, that he’d be up two, three, four points.
Hey, I tried to tell them they should steal this guy and run him*, but nobody wants to listen to lil' ol' me - all I ever did was block an extra point at Lancaster to keep us within 46 points, so of what possible use could I ever be? - so tough doo-doo on that, suckahs.

*obviously I only say this to re-post my line about the gun, which is a  w  e  s  o   m   e.

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