Tuesday, June 19, 2012

White People are Awesome, Black People are Lazy

Charles Pierce shreds that beyond-asinine article (that reads more and more like an April Fool's joke each time you read it) claiming Bryce Harper to be a "conservative hero", and lands on the first thing I thought of when reading the "article":
And surely I'm not the only person who's noticed that the hustling white player and the lazy black player — baseball archetypes since the author's grandfather was playing in the segregated major leagues — have made an appearance here, which is surely accidental.
The entire thing is pretty racist (Obama's president only because of affirmative action, of course!)

Also offensive is the "author's" conscripting punk rock to conservatives, to which Pierce is rightfully aghast:
Heavens to Richard Hell, am I reading something here that argues that punk was essentially a conservative movement? I refuse to believe I am actually reading this. I refuse to believe that anyone actually would print this, even on the Intertoobz. (Also, the Sex Pistols were about as do-it-yourself as the Rose Parade. Google “Malcolm McLaren” for details.) Is this guy trying to get Joe Strummer to come back from the dead? Not that I’d mind, but, wow.
There was a joke going around when I was a kid that went:
"How does a white guy steal second base?" Sheer grit, determination and knowledge of the pitcher.
"How does a black guy steal second base?" He's fast.

To us the joke was funny in that it made fun of white people. I don't think this shithead "writer" would think the same.

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