Sunday, July 01, 2012

Dream On.

It's disappointing to hear Clyde the Glyde bitch about Bird & Magic being on the Dream Team despite not being in their primes.

Clyde's out of his gd mind. And I love Clyde, he was a member of Phi Slamma Jamma. And while I can understand him being miffed AT THE TIME about Magic/Bird being on the team, you'd think the two decades since would give him more of a perspective on things.  Were Bird & Magic in 1992 at the same level they'd been at for over a decade? No. Were they two of the twelve best players in the league at that moment? No. Would the Dream Team have rolled over every other team in the world without them? Sure. But then George & Ringo coulda gotten together and sold a lot of album in the 70's as The Beatles, and it wouldn't have been the same without John & Paul. Or even close. I'm pretty sure that if Magic & Bird hadn't played (Magic in particular), there's almost zero percent chance we'd be talking about the team today (to say nothing of the fact that Jordan prolly wouldn't have played on the team either, btw.)

Clyde is now denying that's what he said.

I will say this in his defense. As much as I've celebrated Isiah Thomas not making the team because he was a douchebag that nobody liked, Clyde brings up a good point re: why no Dominique?

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