Friday, July 06, 2012

Enter Your Lou Gehrig Died of Lou Gehrig Disease Joke Here, Please

Why is medical school so expensive? Here we have high-achieving students (presumably) who want to have a career that by definition cares for and heals other people, and we reward them by making it as financially tough as possible. And then, loaded down with an exponentially heavier debt after finishing than a regular college graduate, we wonder why they want you to go for the superfluous tests that stick you for another $1900. I know school in general is expensive (my brilliant thoughts on the absurd costs of college HERE), but you'd think we'd figure out a way to make being a doctor more attractive to an EVEN BETTER level of student (the cream of the cream of the cream of the crop...mmmm, creamy!) while eliminating one more thing that may drive health costs up. - XMASTIME
So there's this guy:
A Connecticut family whose son is struggling to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical school debt has hatched a plan to pay it off by selling an 84-year-old home run baseball hit by former New York Yankees legend Lou Gehrig in the 1928 World Series.
The ball has been in Elizabeth Gott’s family for generations, since her great-uncle caught it in the Yankee Stadium stands....The cost of medical school has skyrocketed, rising 165 percent at private colleges and an astounding 312 percent at public institutions in the last 20 years. Just as student debt has soared over the last two decades, medical school debt has ballooned. Doctors are $2.3 billion in debt, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges, and the average medical school graduate in 2010 left school with $158,000 in debt. Nearly a third, meanwhile, were like Gott, carrying at least $200,000 in debt out of school with them.
They're predicting it'll fetch $100-200k.

I don't really feel sorry for him particular since unlike millions of other students he does have a ball that fell into hi shands for no real reason that will act like a magic wand to remove a big chunk of his debt, but surely there's a way to pump out doctors that is a bit more affordable, n'est-pas?

I remember my Grandpa Jim telling us that he had a ball autographed by Babe Ruth (back when he was pitching, youngsters!!), but they immediately played with it in the streets and lost it.That ball could be paying for my Asian Escorts today. Thanks, Grandpa.

Bt then, he also told us we were related to Klinger from MASH, so who the fuck knows what the hell he was talking about. Anyway, here's a photograph of a woman sitting on a dog.

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