Friday, July 06, 2012

Mittney, Inc.

I still find it laughable that people are wringing their hands about Mitt Romney not saying anything really substantive during his campaign, or constantly flip-flopping whenever he does say something. In any preznit campaign these days it goes like this: 50 million people are voting for the D, 50 million are voting for the R, and then there’s 12 million people who like to be courted in the 4th quarter as time’s running out. Either side could run olive loaves, it doesn’t really matter. And Romney knows that to keep his 50M in his pocket, all he has to say is “I’m not Obama.” Period. Why confuse things – Romney should just go on vacation until November, and hope that Obama says something stupid from time to time. Why bother even pretending to come up with stuff on actual issues? Nobody cares! I mean, how many articles do we see all a-tizzy because Romney doesn’t have a detailed alternative for Obamacare? Um, he does – nothing! It does not MATTER what his “alternative” would possibly be, the point is getting rid of Obamacare.

Republicans simply wanna make the last four years to never have happened, to set a RESET button back to, of all years, 2008. Obama is a bad dream they want to wake up from and erase from history, no matter how much worse it could actually be. Yes the Bush years were a nightmare, but it was “OUR nightmare, dammit!” Setting back the clock is quite literally the only thing that matters now.

But don’t act surprised or miffed because Romney’s not giving a straight answer on anything. It’s the smartest thing he can possibly do.

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