Wednesday, July 18, 2012

GOP Convention Will Be the Event of the Year

Mittney hasn't asked Sniffy Wiffy to the prom yet, and so scorched Earth is being predicted via Sully's readers:
The caricature of Romney as inept, weak and easily pushed around is growing. I am no expert on conventions and nominations, but I would not be surprised to see a Far Right revolt in Tampa. She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is mad at her convention snub and the meme that she'd be able to fight back plays right to her hands. Trying to somehow seize the nomination at the last minute plays to her role as a savior. Throw in her devout followers and it makes for an interesting convention. To me, it not only shows her ego, but her laziness, too, not willing to do hard campaign work and get the prize at the last minute. A true Twitter candidate. I'd be shocked if she were somehow able to wrangle the nomination, but I'd bet on some form of Far Right split in the coming weeks.
Oh, MAN this shit's gonna be fun to watch!!!!!!!

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