Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Link This, Beeyotch

Post here about linking to yourself:
[M]ainstream news outlets were philosophically much more open to linking anywhere. But in practice they linked internally 91 percent of the time. In contrast, independent bloggers linked internally 18 percent of the time. Ninety-three percent of news outlets’ links were to other news outlets, while indie bloggers linked to mainstream sources only 33 percent of the time.
As you know, I can't make it through ten minutes without self-linking (yes, it grows hair on your palms.) Like HERE, FOR INSTANCE. This is partly due to my "LOOK AT ME!!  LISTEN TO ME!!" personality disorder, and partly because I am not a news organization merely reporting the news - if I don't connect some sort of personal story/connection to whatever it is I'm talking about, what's the point of Xmastime?

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