Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's Not the Heat, It's the...Oh Wait, It's Totally the Fucking Heat.

Today is the 110th birthday of air conditioning, which ironically is doing as much to increase global warming as anything else, but I could give a shit, I'd rather the planet burst into the Sun 200 years from now than go one minute not in absolute comfort....nay, extreme comfort.
It was a world-changing innovation. “Air-conditioning, in the broad sense, had a profound effect on the way people lived and worked,” said Bernard A. Nagengast, an engineering consultant who specializes in the history of air-conditioning and heating. “It allowed industry to operate in ways it couldn’t operate before, in places it couldn’t operate before.”
As you know, a/c was a big deal when I was a young buck  and every single moment of my fucking life since:
My parents being from Massachusetts meant that I inherited the complete pussy gene when it comes to the heat; even as a young buck I was a pansy about it.  So while logic would dictate that the greatest day in family history from the 80's be the day we added illWill to the lineup, I hafta admit I was just as thrilled the day I came home from school and the central air conditioning had been installed.  May 12, 1987: Never Forget.
Also, if he had been my kid Joe Girardi never woulda made it to the big leagues since there's no way in fucking hell I'd forgo a/c for some stupid kid.  Oh, and the next time people try to bitch that we should defund NASA because it's "so expensive", remind them of this.

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