Thursday, July 12, 2012

John Sterling Is Right: Baseball Make No Fucking Sense, Ever.

It’s been an unusual season. The Yankees have the best record in baseball, but they haven’t exactly followed the road map to get there. Their top offseason addition was lost before the season started. Their starting left fielder has played nine games. They lead baseball in home runs, but they’re last in the American League in batting average with runners in scoring position. Robinson Cano is a superstar again, but Alex Rodriguez is slugging two points higher than Wilson Betemit, and Russell Martin can’t stay above the Mendoza Line. They haven’t seen a single pitch from of Michael Pineda or Joba Chamberlain, Andy Pettitte’s going to miss the next month and a half, Dave Robertson missed a month.

Mariano Rivera tore his ACL while shagging fly balls in batting practice. It’s been that kind of year.
And here they are with the best record in the MLB. Shizz be whack.

Btw, here are The Ten Commandments for John Sterling to Hopefully One Day Become Only the Second Worst Announcer in Baseball History. My favorite:
7. John Sterling, the Worst Announcer in Baseball History, shall get better glasses and stop blowing calls. It's gotten to the point where I pause and wait after Sterling calls a home run figuring there's a significant enough chance that he's wrong. It's like the NFL when you pause to see if a flag has been thrown.
I do miss when Mike and The Mad Dog would make fun of his home run calls on a daily basis.

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