Thursday, July 12, 2012

Look Ma, No Teef!

The Short Bus lost his first tooth (while in Auschwitz, from the looks of him.)

Reminds me of another of my godson's funny faces!! 
Seeing both of my godsons reminds me of my job being so well done.

And me & Op's plans with them:
Both of my godsons are unbaptized. Most people say the job of the Godfather is to make sure they do get baptized; I say it's to make sure they don't play soccer when they get older. I'm thinking I should claim myself Godfather of All Unbaptized Young Bucks. Wayward lads in search of male guidance. Op and I have a riff where I take these kids and put together a barnstorming basketball team, the thing being that all week leading up to the game I'm a ridiculous douche, emailing our upcoming oppenents trash talk about how bad we're gonna beat them, how much they suck, I might have done their mothers etc. Then we show up and they crush us like 110-30, but while there I'm the picture of cordiality and sportsmanship. "Great game guys! Great kids, you guys got a great program here, good luck! Great kids!" Then the second I'm back home I start trashing them about how lucky they were to win, they fucking suck and I'm STILL doing their mothers etc. Anyways. Dreams, eh?

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