Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mike and the Mad Dog

Scozzare: They broke up, finally, in 2008. Then, in 2009, during the playoffs, Dog was gonna be at the stadium doing his Sirius show and Mike was gonna be there doing his show. And they did one hour together, one o'clock to two o'clock. I was sitting in the studio listening to the whole thing. I'm even welling up right now. I almost cried, it was so special. It was like, damn, you guys, you fucked this up, how could you do that?
I'm not ashamed to say I almost choked up a little bit  when Dog's dad, a frequent caller (and fellow Yankee lover with Mike) called Mike on the first day after Dog left and asked Mike if he could still call into the show. Jesus. I'm not made of stone, people!!!!

I agree with the Grantland article that one of the things that made the show so great was the fact that Dog was the King of All Yankee Haters.  I can't believe it's been four years...sometimes, when it's late at night and I'm in my cups a bit, I YouTube the show when they were together.

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