Monday, July 16, 2012

An Open Letter to 103.7 FM:

Your spending time between songs blathering on and on patting yourself on the back for not playing commercials during hour-long blocks of music is no better to me than simply playing commercials. In fact, I'd prefer commercials - at least they're less self aggrandizing, and there's the hope they'll be funny. I mean, for fuck's sake already, it's like this fucking shit:
7) I don’t know about your computer, but mine has some super-active software shit that blocks pop-ups. And it’s so proud of its work that it CONSTANTLY lets me know about the pop-ups it’s blocked with…pop ups!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! Fucking hell. This would be like me proudly announcing every day that I didn’t sexually harass you by writing “Hey, I didn’t sexually harass you!!” on my dick and showing you every 5 minutes. Thanks Norton!!!!!
I remain,

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