Monday, July 16, 2012

The Ship's Mast

The Ship's Mast was three blocks from my building in Williamsburg but it was locked up the entire time I lived there, so I only ever got to hear Rrthur (YES ladies, that Rrthur) blather on and on about what a "magically wonderful!" place it was, blah blah blah. I did always like the way it looked though. It was on my regular route to the train, as I'd go up Berry and cut across North 5th, prolly in my skinny jeans. Via here:
One Scouting reader says the Ship's Mast "made Turkey’s Nest look like a Starbucks," while another refers to it as being straight out of a David Lynch film.
I believe it was at The Ship's Mast when Rrthur met our friend Will Bill, at whose funeral

1) I walked into the wrong room and found myself alone with a dead body
2) someone brought in chicken mcnuggets, and of course the only thing one can smell in a room that has chicken mcnuggets in it is chicken mcnuggets
3) while standing in front of the closed coffin with The Barber, I had one of those queer existential moments you have at these things and mused aloud "gee, is he really in there?" to which The Barber replied "oh, sure...(long pause) swelled up and purple as an eggplant."

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