Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chris Christie et al

Yet another thing that annoys me about these conventions is when did saying something nice about your mother become applause-worthy? Gee, you loved your mother, what a noble fellow you are!!  I mean, wtf - just once, I'd like to hear a politician say "yeah, was my mom a pain in the ass."

This of course reminds me of the 2008 Democratic Convention:
Another thing I've noticed during these little film clips before the big speakers is that none of them had any relatives that complained no matter how bad it got. Depression, WWII, 30 kids, working 9 jobs at a time, nobody's complaining. And if you did when you were a kid, you'd get your ears boxed. Oh yeah, and they always believed in you, no matter what. I'd like to change that; if in 2012 I'm the Democratic nominee, I'd like to fuck with people a bit; the clip might go like this.

" grandparents met and got married, then the war came...boy, did my Grandfather not wanna go to that. "It sounded really, really hard!!" he'd tell me, still angry. Fought and bitched to get outta going, but they finally came and got him I guess. Oh sure, the Depression, the War, they talked about those days a much they hated those days, having to work all the time and stuff..."why did all this happen to us? why not somebody else?" they'd ask me. "Why couldn't that have happened to your generation instead?" they'd say to me..."Always look for the shortcut" yeah, they were pretty miserable to be parents, let's see, my Dad won $600 on a scratch ticket when I was 2 and he left, so I never even knew him...I'm like thousands and thousands of other kids out there, raised by a single mom...who worked 2 days a week, from 10am to 3pm at the local library...we'd say Mom, why not get another job so we can eat? and she'd always look us in the eye and say the same thing: "oh, HELL no." She talked a lot about what a rip-off it was that my Dad got to leave and left her with the kids...boy, did she cry and whine a lot, that's for sure...the only time she ever lightened up and stopped complaining was sometimes just to mess with her we'd tell her that Dad called and was coming back; boy, she'd light up, sprinting to the phone to call the library and tell them where they could shove that job of theirs...we'd let her know just in time that we were kidding...anyway yeah, she never came to any of my games throughout high school..."Tuesday night game? I hafta work on Thursday, so no."...there's a sacredness to being a single mother, as some of us know...I can still remember her late at night, coming into my room as I was trying to sleep, sitting on the side of my bed and patting my head lightly, running her fingers through my hair and softly telling me to not worry, everything would be alright...if I would just ask to borrow some money from my girlfriend, "that rich bitch ain't gonna miss it!! Just ask!!"...boy, did she whine about things a lot...anyway, it's a thrill to be here tonight accepting the nomination...oh, I have no idea if she's even here tonight, you can look I guess...hey, like she said just this morning on the phone, "you'll blow it anyways"...

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