Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Mickey fucking D's

And I'll say it once again: someone has to explain to me why McDonalds isn't running the country.  If all the money in the world suddenly disappeared from the universe, McDonalds would STILL increase their profits for the quarter.  Fucking a.  Hell, they're so great they almost got me a boyfriend once!!!! - XMASTIME
For the first time in almost a decade, during which there was the deepest recession since the Joads said "if the h8rs gon' h8 we bouncin' to the Best Coast, bitches!", McDonald's sales have stalled.

On the other hand, they're offering a post-midnight breakfast, which both tastes good and hopefully will help start put an end to the fucking "I thought McDonalds served breakfast til 11!!" trope that has become the "my parents don't know how to set the clock on their VCR" of my generation...of course, now saying "_________" is the "my parents don't know how to set the clock on their VCR" is also now a trope. So.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

They 10:30 deadline makes me so antsy, I get McDonalds anytime I am not in the office at that time of day.