Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Protest Music

Sully's wondering where all the protest songs are, which is what I've been wondering since 2006, and the answer is probably still "Bruce."
...why is it that it's Bruce who's doing music like this, ie topical protest (and don't forget last year's "Devils & Dust") music instead of younger bands, people of my generation? I know I'm a bit out of the loop, but we've been in the midst of an illegal war for over 3 years, we lost a whole American city while the president was on vacation (surprise!), yet the black people are still singing about ho's and bling and the white dudes are singing about why the pretty girls don't talk to them even tho they have they have the first Cat Power single on vinyl. Bruce is 56 years old and has more money than God, yet he is moved and angry enough as a person and an artist to say something about it; where are all the other bands' protests, where is their outrage? What the fuck. 

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