Monday, August 06, 2012

Rover Red Rover Come Over

Last year I wrote HERE:

Turns out that I was wrong; it wasn't called Voyager, it was called Viking.
Anyway, while obviously it's overshadowed by July 20 being the date that we landed on the moon in the summer of 1969, during which of course Jimmy quit and Jody got married (but seriously, they shoulda known they'd never get far, right?), it was seven years later on that same date that Viking I landed on Mars. 

How bout that.Looks like Jeno's pizza...nom nom nom!!!!!

The only time I ever wrote a letter and got one in return is in the 4th grade, when Mr. Futchko had us choose a planet and write to NASA with questions. I asked about Mars ("Hi NASA. What's Mars like? By the way, I'm not gonna be 36 and alone, right?"), and a coupla weeks later BLAM! a little packet with a bunch of pictures from I think Voyager's 1976 passing of Mars. It was unbelievable.

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