Monday, August 06, 2012


Wedding E from HERE was the one at which I banged a spirited young lady before finding out she had a fiancĂ© the next morning. Not that that woulda stopped me, of course. I didn’t even feel bad at all until she started making fun of his band, an all-white reggae group.  I felt that was a bit over the line, which I informed her as I flipped her over for the fifth (and final!) time.

That’s what I thought of when I saw Dave Weigel's post on the Wisconsin sikh shooter, making fun of the guy’s band:
Some of End Apathy's music is live at the band's MySpace page. The samples there are more generically "anti-authority," less outwardly racist. As we find out more about Page, I guess we'll learn why he decided that making boring bigot-rock wasn't going to overthrow ZOG fast enough.
I mean, damn dude. That’s cold!

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