Thursday, August 02, 2012

The Other M&M Boys

The best story I've heard today was of the late great Bobby Murcer. Apparently Bobby had visited a terminally ill kid in the hosptial, and in a Ruthian moment promised the kid he'd hit a home run in the game that night, a game that was the National Game of the Week with Keith Jackson broadcasting. Well, Bobby didn't hit one homer, he hit two. Jackson had heard about the sick boy and Bobby's promise and told the viewing audience after Bobby's second home run. A heartwarming story, no?Turns out the kid had no idea that he was dying until he heard it from Keith Jackson on tv. Total freakout all around. Can you imagine? Three weeks later, kid was dead. Yeesh. But what a story!! - XMASTIME
Today is the 33rd anniversary of Thurman Munson dying. I wasn't a Yankee fan back then, though I remember it happening. Mostly, when I think of him I think of Bobby Murcer, his best friend who delivered the eulogy at his funeral and then knocked in the winning run against the O's a few hours later. I miss Bobby like hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So growing up in Florida in the 70's meant I had no idea about anything related to the Yankee's, but the summer that Munson died I was dating a girl whose family had just moved from New Jersey and that weekend her Dad was seriously bummed. I knew that he had been a great catcher, but I didn't know how important he had been to the team and their fans. So there was this grown man, same age I am now, visibly shaken by the days events. And it shook me, I made some vaguely sincere comment, to which he mumbled appreciation and shuffled off to bed. About an hour later I had sex with his daughter on the sofa in their family room. Thanks for mentioning this, I hadn't thought that weekend in about 33 years.