Sunday, August 26, 2012


...softball Sunday. 80 degrees. Chicks sunbathing. Everyone out at Pete's, jb$ sermonizing. Completely shitfaced, heading home thinking it's 3am, then realize well, the sun's still out. Op silent & staring. Me, shamelessly telling about 4 girls they're beautiful and I'm in love with them. Might have seriously proposed at least once. Sigh. Here comes the summer. - XMASTIME, 2007 
Deflating on one hand, somewhat reassuring on the other as it's the oddly comforting embrace of the normal softball Sunday rhythm of years past.  Mostly, I'm looking forward to having a front row seat to Watty's long, sad, ignoble walk into the sunset a la Willie Mays at Shea (batted 6th yesterday - SIXTH!!!) It's the little things in life, people!!! ;)  - XMASTIME 2012
I may be particularly nostalgic about Williamsburg for a coupla days as I just read this book, and today is Old-Timer's Day for my softball team, featuring some of the old regulars that have moved on over the years for on last game before Reel to Reel (as we know it) hangs up its spikes after this year's swoon in the playoffs (zingah!)I couldn't make it, but I plan on making a playoff game and having one last rolling, massively fucked-up styrofoam-fueled Sunday afternoon.

Here's our team picture from 1971.

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