Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The only time I saw him laugh out loud, uncontrollably, was in that chair when I played him a tape of “Bill Cosby: Himself.” I found myself gleefully skipping around, saying “oooh, listen to this bit! Hey, listen to this one, it’s HYSTERICAL!!!” and watching him laugh like I never had seen before. Was a great moment; maybe the most “adult/peer” moment we ever had, if not the only. - XMASTIME 
Bruce Springsteen and disappointing fathers, via Darkness on the Edge of Town:
Bruce Springsteen, I discovered after ten years of estrangement from my father, had written the world's best song about being estranged from your father. “Adam Raised a Cain” is one long, Plath-worthy scream: hatred, contempt, pain, hatred, shot through with a love that is almost romantic. We were prisoners of love, a love in chains. He was standing in the door, I was standing in the rain, with the same hot blood burning in our veins. How is that not a scene from The Notebook? But these men can only ever hurt each other: Daddy worked his whole life for nothing but the pain. Now he walks these empty rooms looking for something to blame. And his son reflects the blame back onto him, intensified and sharper.

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