Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Oh, For FUCK's Sake

Via Sully:
It's a disgusting sign of the collapse of the rule of law among Washington's elites - pioneered by the Obama Justice Department. War crimes are forgiven; leaks revealing war crimes are punished. That the CIA won't face any accountability for actually torturing people to death has now been cemented in a bipartisan way by a craven president who accepted the Nobel Peace Prize while proceeding to make a mockery of the Geneva Conventions for four years. Not prosecuting torture - not torture-homicides - is a grotesque violation of Geneva and makes the current president a violator of Geneva. He better not complain when an American soldier is captured and tortured to death. 
I understand that there are going-ons behind closed doors about these things you and I don't/shouldn't know about, but Obama aligning himself with should-be war criminals is disappointing and indefensible, even when framed by the unrollbackability (trademarked Xmastime 2012) of executive power. SULLY'S CORECT RE: WHAT I BOLDED, A LA (sorry, craps, aint retyping) Robert Kennedy and the Golden Rule's practicality.

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