Tuesday, September 04, 2012


According to this bit here, the best seat on a plane is 6A:
Skyscanner surveyed 1,000 people on air travel preferences and asked respondents for their favorite section of the plane --window or aisle, and front or back of the plane. Skyscanner combined results to come up with 6A, a window seat up front.

According to the study, 45 percent of people prefer the first few rows of seats -- since those passengers get to board and de-plane first.
I have no idea if this is true since I fly about as often as one of my nuts re-enacts the classic "Where's the beef?" commercial, but I do know that the best seat on a Chinatown Bus is in the front also. In my rookie days as a rider I instinctively went to the back of the bus to hide, before realizing this was the exact WRONG thing to do, since everyone gets on and then keeps on walking towards the back, hoping for that elusive, rarely-seen-in-nature open pair of seats so you ain't gotta share with anyone, which happens about as often as one of my nuts up and does an impression of the gheko from the GEICO commercials. Eventually they make it all the way to the back before realizing such a paradise does not exist, and of course they're not gonna walk all the way back tot eh front of the bus so they just say fuck it and plop down where they've stooped in the back. Ergo, I learned to sit closer to the front. And you should too.

You're welcome, Earth.

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