Friday, October 05, 2012

Fuck Israel (Oh No! Xmastime Hates America!!)

Coupla years ago HERE I wondered why we kneejerk-fetish Israel as "our greatest ally!" et al; one test of running for president always seems to be which candidate slobbers more over Israel. Since that famous post  that nobody gave a shit about then or now  the world has started to come around, including Sully:
Netanyahu is also endangering this country and its citizens if he launches a unilateral war on Iran. That's not an ally; it's the opposite. It's a one-way street: we give the Israelis everything they ask for and they give the US nothing in return. In fact, they have operated as a foe, not friend.

As long as Netanyahu is Israel's prime minister, Israel is not our ally. It's a liability, undermining US foreign policy in the most important struggle we still face: Jihadist violence.


Anonymous said...

maybe he should wait until Iran throws the first Atomic punch? Take a lesson from nothing, do nothing, do nothing...Bam. 3000+ dead civilians and counting. America IS an ally, meaning we've got your back. Certainly not wimp out in the face of BULLY IRAN, who would sooner wipe the USA and ISREAL off the face of the map if we didn't DO something to pressure them into backing down. Terrorism wins when we start kissing up enemies as if they are just in a bad mood. When all of the Nations tutn on had better keep your eyes open and start reading the Book of Revelations. It's not a joke.

Anonymous said...

The Book of Revelations: great as a source for comedy and ideas for scary movies, not a good foreign policy guide.