Wednesday, October 03, 2012

State du Moi

For years I've thought my favorite Doritos were cool ranch, but now I think it's abck to nacho cheese.

Hey, that's me: an evolving, complicated man, what can I say?

HERE's some previous Xmastime Doritos greatness. You're welcome.
The other day Op mentioned to me that he'd seen some bags of Doritos with the packaging from our youth, which was way more simple and iconic than their current "let's throw a buncha fucking loud colors together that make no sense and is instantly forgettable!" bags.  Of course I rolled my eyes at the very notion that Doritos would do such a thing, to which he insisted "No, I mean it, th-" which I cut off with a "BUP-bup-bup bup!", waving an index finger in his face like a metronome needle.  He kept talking: "I'm telling-" "AAAAAAH, bup-bup-bup-bup...(now slowing down, along with my finger so as to wind his idiocy down, along with lowering my eyebrows which had started at the top of my head and were now nearing their normal position)...bup......bup.................bup...............................................bup."  And with that Op knew to shut up, that he's an idiot and I was right, so he curled up with a sleeve of Snackwells and cried like a baby.

Meanwhile, last night I was a Duane Reade and saw something rather incredible: Doritos with the packaging from our youth, which was way more simple and iconic than their current "let's throw a buncha fucking loud colors together that make no sense and is instantly forgettable!" bags!!!  Isn't that great?  Fucking a, if only so the trucks won't be so garish. I'm sure this is a temporary thing and they'll soon enough ratchet up the "wtf?" packaging to the next level, so let's enjoy this while we can.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Taco - the original and best ever flavor. Why America can't support reminds me of how anti-Mexican some people (food racists?) can be.