Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chuckin' 'n' Fuckin;...okay, mostly chuckin.'

JERRY: I have to dribble, if I give it to you, you just shoot. You're a
GEORGE: Oh I'm a chucker.
JERRY: That's right, everytime you get the ball you shoot.
GEORGE: I can't believe you called me a chucker. No way I'm a chucker, I do
not chuck, never chucked, never have chucked, never will chuck, no chuck!
JERRY: You chuck.
GEORGE: Kramer am I a chucker?
KRAMER: You're a chucker.
GEORGE: All these years I've been chuckin' and you've never told me?
JERRY: Well it's not an easy thing to bring up.
I was a gunner. A shooter; if I get the ball and you’re on my team, get your ass back on defense cause you ain’t getting the ball back. I had no time nor interest in passing. And my disinterest in playing defense was such that even in three on three I’d somehow insist on playing zone. If forced to play man, I’d teach my teammates a lesson in the first few minutes by letting my man blow by me for an easy layup, during which I’d yell at a teammate “switch!” and collapse on the ground in laughter.  - XMASTIME
My years of chucking finally vindicated on Grantland with its All-Chucker Team.

Which, of course, I still have to pass on to Big Bear, who apparently enjoys the game even without shooting. Mind-boggling.

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