Friday, December 28, 2012


Sully points out some beagles being trained by hospitals to sniff out deadly shit:
Doctors spent two months training a two-year-old beagle named Cliff to learn to lie down or sit whenever he smelled the presence of Clostridium difficile, stubborn bacteria that cause severe, hard-to-treat diarrhea and sometimes life-threatening colitis. 
These remind me of the mine-sniffing dogs used in WWII with astounding accuracy.
And of course you-know-who was a pioneer in this field, 20 years ago:
When I was in college I had a basset hound named Joe Strummer.  He liked to do the same two things I did: sit on the couch watching tv, and list to the left while walking.  One time when he was a puppy, he took a dump so vicious it woke me up from a dead sleep.

One time I got a phone call from a friend excitedly telling me "turn on the radio!"  and found myself listening to the receptionist from the local hospital, who was talking about a basset hound who had walked into the hospital lobby, become transfixed by the elevator, and spent the next 15 minutes riding up and down, to the delight of all who watched.  Even at a young, dumb age I thought "is a hospital really the place for a dog to be walking around?"  Sure enough it was Strummer, who had gotten loose and was enjoying having the run of the place, all while the receptionist did play-by-play for the radio.

Then one weekend I was dumb enough to leave him under the care of my dipshit roommate while I was away, and he ran away.  I never saw him again;  almost 18 years later, whenever I see a basset hound I throw it a Jedi-mind trick, and mutter "Strummer, it's me!" under my breath, wondering if it's him and I've found him again.

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