Monday, January 14, 2013

The Fucking Ridiculous Golden Globes

One of the more idiotic memes awards shows perpetuate is the one in which celebrities have to act "surprised" they've just won an award, as I first brought up six years ago:
I do enjoy the acceptance speeches tho. My favorites are the ones where they try to act totally shocked they won, that they didn’t even plan anything cause they’re so surprised to even be there. Really? Let’s see. Weeks, if not months ago your team of publicists told you you were nominated for your video, one of the 6 they played in the last year. You spent weeks picking out the perfect dress/”Im a weird hipster” uniform and you spent weeks acknowledging the thanks of your friends/families. You were flown into NYC, put into a hotel and met with MTV officials to rehearse what would happen should you win. Then you went to the pre-party, strolled down the red carpet, was placed in a seat that literally had your name on it. And then you stand on stage and act “shocked!!!” that you won, and were even nominated. Love it. They all act like they were across the street at Roy Rogers when someone rushes in “Beyonce just announced your name onstage at the VMAs!!!!!!” and you had to tear across the street, find out where the awards were and sprint to the stage and accept your award “from the fans.” Gimme a fucking break.

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