Sunday, March 31, 2013

Set Us Up Til We're Dead

Apparently, you fuckers are no longer guzzling wine like you're supposed to be, including even - LE GASP! -  France:
In 1980 more than half of adults were consuming wine on a near-daily basis. Today that figure has fallen to 17%. Meanwhile, the proportion of French people who never drink wine at all has doubled to 38%. In 1965, the amount of wine consumed per head of population was 160 litres a year. In 2010 that had fallen to 57 litres, and will most likely dip to no more than 30 litres in the years ahead.
I of course think it's due to me sounding like a fucking fairy the last time I drank a bottle of wine:
 Journal Entry

May 26, 1994 10:00am Tappahannock, VA

I just drank a bottle of wine. I told myself I'd have it done by the time we got to Cherry Hill, but I was done with it by the time we got out of town. Are we larger than we think? Does everything actually come from us? Or vice versa? For example, people believe that religion is greater than themselves, that we come from God and religion.  But look at the images we have of God. He is in OUR image, WE created the vision. Yet we are led to believe that we were created in his a book that was written by, ta-da!  Ahh, life. It's not the life you're given, it's the life you take. Life is good, and I could be dead tomorrow. Seriously, I need to call ________ and dump her this afternoon.

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