Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Smackdown Is Over

Apparently, The Simpsons has beaten Cheers in Vulture's Sitcom Smackdown.  I'm not really a Simpsons guy, but I get it. I didn't have them in my own Final Four, but there's no real denying what The Simpsons has become over the past few decades.

EVEN BETTER, this led to this awesome article, A Cheers Writer's Memory of Finale Night:

Second memory: My partner David Isaacs and I have what we call the “Prince of the City” theory. Simply put, it means the moment you think you’re hot shit is the moment you will be cut back down to size. It never fails. 
So it’s about 2 a.m., I’m walking back to the hotel. It’s a bit chilly; I’m wearing a trench coat to protect against any more rain. And I’m reflecting on the night and how this little show I’ve been involved with had become a national phenomenon. And I allowed myself to think I must be a pretty damn good writer to be a part of it. Just at that moment, a passing truck roared through a big puddle and I got completely drenched. I mean, sopping wet, soaked to the bone. And I had to laugh. Hail to thee, Prince of the City.

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