Thursday, May 30, 2013

At the Movies

THE GIRL WHO has just gone through the exhausting experience of taking her kids to the movies for the very first time.
In completely unrelated news we are taking the kids to their first movie today and also what the fuck are we thinking are we completely insane this cannot end well. Any tips? Other than don't plan on enjoying ourselves or seeing much of the movie? And probably plan on a big argument to close the day as we take out our parental stress on each other. Any tips besides that?
I remember the first movie I took The Short Bus to. Knocked Up. I just wanted to got a movie, any movie. He hadn't even turned one yet, I was hoping he'd fall asleep the second we walked into the darkness.

Needless to say, we didn't make it through the previews before having to leave thanks to a certain someone's chirping and barking. Ironically, I did not take him with me when I went to see Ratatouille. But we did see a bunch of movies, including Wall-E.

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