Thursday, May 23, 2013

China, Cheese, Oh My!

Apparently, China is trying to learn to love cheese:
“I think some people before they come by prepare themselves psychologically,” says Yang. “Maybe they’ll come back, maybe they won’t. We won’t get disappointed because of this. Most Chinese people are not used to cheese culture.”
"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you write a coupla years ago about the lack of cheese being the reason the Chinese are such terrible drivers?"

Sigh. Yes, faithful reader, yes. You win:
Is there a connection between there being apparently no cheese in the Chinese diet and them being such bad drivers? Maybe what makes Americans better drivers is the cheese; ie our insides are so bunged up we hafta hyper-focus on driving so we get where we need to get as soon as possible, whereas the Chinese are in no rush and spend their driving time cruising along slooooooowly, rooking around at the scenery and allowing themselves to be distracted. Seems like a connection to me, be nice if a committee to investigate was formed. 

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