Monday, May 20, 2013

Mad Men: Doctor Robert Edition

- thank God Don walked off the elevator in the final minutes without saying shit to Sylvia, because up til then I was rolling my eyes re: are we REALLY supposed to believe that this guy who bangs about 65 broads a day and tosses them aside like a McDonalds bag after you've inhaled the #3 combo meal is "broken-hearted"?!?!? Come the fuck on with that shit - almost as bad as the whole Bobbi fiasco:
Don Draper's fuck buddy Bobbi is doing nothing for me. Please move on.
- Must say: I like Stan as the wild, mountain man looney. But can someone PLEASE shave Ginsburg so he doesn't look like such a fucking clown? Jesus - I thought he was the penultimate new character a year ago, and now he looks like Ronald McDonald died his fucking hair. For fuck's sake already. 

- Pete's "he's in a better place" line was, as you already know, redonculous:
6) “He/she’s going to a better place”
This one always cracks me up. The one thing we will never, ever know as humans is what it’s like after we die, but people sprain an ankle racing to be the first dipshit to say “Well, he’s in a better place.” I don’t know about that. First of all, right here we got blowjobs, cheeseburgers and baseball. We can go to the beach, tell Yo Mama jokes, we can pay an “escort” to put on blackface and pretend she’s Nell Carter from “Gimme a Break.” Seems to me like that’s tough to beat. I don’t know what’s on the other side and I never will, but I’ll take my chances with a world that has potato chips and “Alf” dvds. Secondly, if death means going to a place that’s better than here, and you’re sure enough of it to say it out loud, why wouldn’t you kill yourself?
- Surely there's an app that can play that background office phone constantly ringing/sound of thirty typists going on at once on a loop, right?
- They already set precedent by playing a classic from Revolver - how could they not do the right thing in this episode as well?

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