Saturday, June 01, 2013

It Was 46 Years Ago Today

That Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released.

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you list your Sgt Pepper slices as well as defend it for being ironically bashed for years, years ago?"

Sigh. fine. You've twisted my fucking arm. HERE IT IS. Fine, you win. You're welcome, Earth.
Over the last few years a coupla friends and I have had heated discussions re: The Beatles vs. The Stones. Basically it’s me (Beatles) against them (Stones.) While I love the Stones too, to me they don’t come close to measuring up to the Beatles; be it songwriting, musicianship, singing, coolness, innovation, anything. Look at the leaps the Beatles made from 1963-1969, and then look at the Stones still working on their bar-band boogie woogie. A great band, yes. But better than the Beatles? Camon.

A particular sore spot for me is that everyone else in this “debate” turns their nose up at Sgt Pepper. I seem to be the only person left on the planet who still thinks this is an A++ album. I know the hip thing to do is turn your nose up at Sgt Pepper and claim allegiance to the alt-country of Rubber Soul or the here-comes-pepperness of Revolver, but I love Pepper as much as Revolver and way more than Rubber Soul. Fucking hell, it has

SUPER SLICES: title track, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", “Getting Better”, "She’s Leaving Home”, “Lovely Rita”, “Good Morning, Good Morning”, “Day in the Life”


I NEVER LISTEN BUT AT LEAST THEY’RE WILDLY INNOVATIVE/AMBITIOUS: “ Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!”, “Within You, Without You”

NOT A SLICE: “Fixing a Hole”, “When I’m 64”

SIX superslices! Not just slices, but super slices. Camon. An amazing album. And don’t get me started re: how off the charts it would be if they hadn’t given away “Penny Lane” and “Strawberry Fields” from the sessions to be the singles. Viva la Pepper!!

Okay. That last "viva" bit was gay. Tho not as gay as these get-ups (and yes, when you're clothes are this gay they are "get-ups")

"Holy shit - Xmastime LOVES us!! YES!!"

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