Friday, June 21, 2013

Paranoia Revisited

This example of Why Parents Shouldn't Text cracked me up, reminding me of an old paranoia of my own:
...whenever she was slow to return an email, I'd start fidgeting with anxiety...After guzzling a liter of so of Diet Coke while hitting CHECK MAIL (or whatever the fuck the equivalent was back in the Dark Ages of Hotmail) approximately 91,000 times, finally I would shoot an as-casual-as-could-seem possible, just shootin' the breeze email over to Op, "hey, checking to see if my email is down, hit me back."  To which he would reply within about 30 seconds.  "Works here." Of course once he caught on to what I was doing with my little recon/scouting emails, his replies would come in about 4 seconds, with a MUCH more gleeful tone: "working great, pods!  :)"  Grrrr.
Sigh. I have officially become the un-shameable.

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