Friday, June 21, 2013

Snakes. No Thanks.

The thing about sharks is that, just like snakes, they're especially scary because here's something that could kill you and it doesn't even have arms and legs. Normally you'd think "well, this guys got no limbs, this should be no problem" but next thing you know you're shark doo-doo. The difference being, of course, to get eaten by a shark you hafta make the effort to go to the shark - unlike a snake, you pretty much know that sharks are in the ocean and that's it. You're not gonna find a Great White curled up under your sink, waiting for you like a snake would. - XMASTIME 
I'm sorry a dude who used snakes to help people overcome their fear of snakes has died after being bitten by one of his colleagues, but, talking as someone with a healthy fear of snakes, why the fuck would people even WANT to overcome this fear? Wtf?
“Oh camon, you don’t wanna read this one again, do you?”

“Rats!  Rats!”

He was pushing me to sit down, so I flopped back into the easy chair and he scooted up into The Nook.  I opened the book and voila, first page: a humungous, smiling snake.  Every one of these books, there's a fucking snake with fangs the size of hammers that's supposed to be cute and friendly.  Hey look, a fluffy, happy puppy looking for a hug.  There’s a sweet baby duck splashing around with a beach ball.  Oh, and sliding down a tree?  A copperhead that looks like it just swallowed a fucking golf cart.  What the hell?  “Oh, but it’s so cute and cuddly!”

I didn’t want Chuck to be scared of snakes.  I didn’t want him to be scared of anything.  But I also didn’t want him thinking it was okay to go up and hug a snake.  Why not have ‘happy, jolly drug dealers’ in these books too?

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