Friday, July 19, 2013


A McDonald's in Queens was without a/c today:
Sweltering workers in an un-air-conditioned Washington Heights McDonald's decided enough was enough this afternoon, abandoning their posts to instead protest the dismal conditions they said they were forced to endure on the hottest day of the year. 

"In the middle of a heat wave like this, to be expected to stand in a hot kitchen with no air conditioning is inhumane and unsafe," said employee Jamne Izquierdo in a statement. "We are human beings. We've told McDonald's before that the air conditioning doesn't work and that we can't take the heat but they don't listen to us. We can't take it anymore. No one should have to work like this." 
Fucking brutal. And I've been there, of course:
I've always been a Barnes & Noble guy.  My first job when I moved to New York was across the street from one, and during the summer of 1999 the air conditioning in my office broke.  My boss thoughtfully decided he'd wait until the fall to fix it since it'd be cheaper; he even seemed to think he was doing me a favor (yes, I'm sure he "passed the savings on to me." Hmm.)  So every day I'd go in at 9am, rip through the day's work in 20 minutes, and then go across the street and read at B&N before checking back in at 5ish.

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