Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BASS. How Low Can You Blah Blah Blah.

It’s the Same Old Song – The Four Tops
Of course you could pick a million Motown slices, but this has always been my super schliiiice. Can still remember as a young buck, maybe 7ish, going out to play catch with my brother. I had to quickly run back into the house to get something, and as I was reaching for whatever it was this came on and I was stunned. That fat rollicking riff, still got a hold on me. Can remember what I was wearing, my brother was wearing (a dress? Hiyooo!) and where I was (our bedroom, next to the dresser and looking out on the backyard.) Desert island slice. - XMASTIME
I've always thought Hot Lunch from the Fame soundtrack was the natural descendent of James Jamerson's bassline on It's the Same Old Song.

But hey, what do I know - all I did was come in second place in the 1979 Tappahannock Easter Egg Bunny Coloring Contest so sure, I'm old news. Whatevs. H8rz gon'h8.

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