Thursday, September 26, 2013

Speaking of My BFF Gordon

How great was the first episode of his first show, Boiling Point?

His anger in the kitchen comes off way more natural and realistic than anywhere else on tv (particularly when we see a clip from the hidden camera, and its the exact same language/patter.)

And Marco Pierre White, his one-time mentor and the screamiest of all bad-ass screaming chefs (and my future buddy!) nails it in the first few seconds:
"Gordon has made his reputation out of being a good cook, not about being volatile. Not about kicking people out. That is the media, looking for another story."
AND how amazing in it that for the entire 22 minutes there wasn't any fucking loud music being played!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's yet another reason the UK version of Kitchen Nightmares was awesome; the powers that be seem to think that Americans are going to hit themselves with fear if more than 2 seconds goes by without some incredibly loud, distracting music grinding the life out of the show. Ugh.

WOW - here's part of the Marco show from 1988, with his eager-to-please apprentice you-know-who.

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