Thursday, September 19, 2013

We Are in a Ramen Noodle Golden Era, Prolly Because Jesus and His Scrappy, Lovable Sidekick, Baby Jesus, Love Us

I'm adding Ramen Noodles to my scrambled eggs/buttered white toast restaurant, therein extending the menu to:

Buttered toast (white bread only)
Scrambled Eggs
Ramen Noodles (not your fancy Chinatown ones either, the 4-for-$1 ones.)

I'm also considering adding potted meat to the menu, but when you're rolling out a new menu for a pretend restaurant, it's best to not rush things.  - XMASTIME
First came the ramen cheeseburger a few weeks ago, and now we have ramen crust pizza. Of course. Hey, remember when people would boil ramen noodles and eat them? When was that, the goddam 1950's?

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