Wednesday, October 02, 2013

A-Rod! A-Rod! A-Rod!

Yankees fans never missed a chance to mercilessly boo A-Rod over the years, particularly when he was struggling throughout the 2006 season. And yet fans have taken to the streets for him today:
Most of the undeniable noise seems to be coming from the street where Rodriguez has been treated as a sort of conquering hero as he enters the MLB offices. Go check out that video on ESPN’s site. It’s unreal. Rodriguez has been shaking hands like a politician, then he’s entered a building to try to argue his case. Just another bizarre chapter in an already bizarre story.
That tells you how much that fucking douchebag Bud Selig has over-reached in his desperate attempt to "save" his legacy after two decades of looking the other way. It's taken someone with the douchebag capability of a Bud Selig to turn A-Rod into a working-class hero. Fuck you, Bud.

"...whoa whoa WHOA....slow down!!!!...which one, Alba or Biel??!??!!!!" 

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