Wednesday, October 02, 2013

The Curious Power of Washington

Over at Sully someone brings this up re: John Boehner during these times:
K: This may be a bit of an odd question, but why does Boehner want to do his job like this under these circumstances? From the outside, it seems like a miserable existence. 
RC: I think John Boehner is frustrated by leading the Republicans in the House but I think he very much loves being speaker. To understand him you have to understand that. He gets to the Capitol early. He relishes the job and the position but he doesn’t relish being at odds so often with his members. He loves being a major American political figure, but he’s not a Newt Gingrich-like figure trying to lead the party in a certain direction. He’s just trying to survive and enjoy it while it lasts.
I don't think we understand how intoxicating power in DC is.  I sure don't. Like the guy says, these people are making Boehner miserable. They're pushing him into becoming universally recognized as being the worst Speaker of all time. And yet he clings to the position like Judge Reinhold's hand in the pool house. Instead of saying fuck it, Imma do what I think is best for me and everybody else, he simply digs in with whatevser it will that will keep his precious Speaker position, no matter what the cost to anyone, including himself.

Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure you can still make a living as an ex-Speaker of the House. First of all, you'd still be a Congressman. And if you lose that there's always the endless run of speaking tours/books/FOX News etc to line the pockets way more than they're being lined now. It's not like you're ever going to see an ex-congressman of any sort in a homeless shelter. And yet Boehner goes on. Fascinating.

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