Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Article HERE about how we loooooove loooooong novels. A lot of possible reasons are mentioned, but not the simple fact that we don't love long novels per se, but we love the novels that we love to be long BECAUSE we love them. As I wrote years ago:
I know I love Crime and Punishment cause I ripped through 95% of it, and have put off finishing it for two weeks. When I'm reading a book I really love, I get depressed as I near the end; I feel like soon I will be on the outside of the story and characters, not wrapped up warmly with them. I'll procrastinate, find excuses not to finish it, I've gone months at a time ignoring a book as it sits there waiting for me to end it. Like having a hard time putting down a horse that has worked the farm relentlessly for 20 years I guess. I guess I'll end it on the way home today.
However, if a novels sucks  not only don't want it to be long, I simply stop reading it.

Unless, of course, it's for hate-reading.

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