Tuesday, December 03, 2013

NFL Bullshit

Watching the Frontline on NFL concussions. On one hand, I'm horrified with how their union has dealt with its past players. Gene Upshaw should burn in hell. This last settlement was a joke.

On the other hand, we're talking about what, 0.0000012 of the population? NFL players? That were able to gather up hundreds of thousands of dollars doing what they loved?

I'm sorry Mike Webster died when he was 50 because he got to play in the NFL. But how many people died before 50 doing horrible, shitty jobs they hated, for no money? I'm guessing a lot. An awful lot.

Yes, if your kid is in the NFL, he might get a concussion. Otherwise, the odds of him/her leading a shitty life and then dying with none of the fortune or glory of Mike Webster is about 100%. So let's cut the shit.

1 comment:

Will said...

Well said player. Well said. But then again, what on this blog isn't well said?
