Thursday, January 09, 2014

2016 Dark Horse?

The word is out that Hillary's opponent for the Democratic nomination in 2016 may be Montana governor Brian Schweitzer:
Becoming famous as a “blue man in a red state,” Schweitzer compromised on core liberal commitments to gun control and allied himself with the NRA. In his 2008 run, Schweitzer was endorsed by the NRA with an “A” rating and a personal visit by Wayne LaPierre for a campaign rally. Schweitzer signed an array of NRA-backed bills into law, including a 2009 “stand your ground” bill that the NRA called a “victory.”
"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “wasn't Schweitzer and guns the basis for one of your all-time great Xmastime quotes from 2007?"

Sigh. YES, faithful reader, yes it was:
Saw this guy on 60 Minutes a while back and then again on Charlie Rose last night, and I like a hunter knows how to handle a rifle without looking like an idiot, which of course is so important in this country. Why, I don't know - can you ever imagine the sentence "okay okay, everybody calm down...the President is on the way, he's gonna shoot the damn thing."

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